
Seccion de Links que pueden Interesarle


ITER – International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor, para lograr la fusion nuclear
JET – Joint European Torus, experimento previo al ITER


IMDB – Internet Movie DataBase, base de datos de peliculas
ReelGood – All your streaming services in one place


DeepFace – IA para cambiar tu cara por la de un famoso
Realtime AI Deepfake – Tool has gone too far
ChatGPT – ChatGPT Site


MaterialUI – Librería de MaterialUI components
React Native Paper – MaterialUI para React Native
Next.Js – The React Framework for the Web
Clean-Code-Javascript – Clean Code aplicado a Javascript en Español
IconFinder – Iconos SVG Free
Mirko Nasato Repo – Repos de Next.Js de Mirko Nasato
Kent C. Dodds – Tutoriales de Kent C. Dodds (testing)
GitFlow – Tutorial de GitFlow by Atlassian
Git Merge – Tutorial de Git Merge by Atlassian
Next.js Server Actions – Auth0 – Using Next.js Server Actions to Call External APIs
React Navigation – Routing and navigation for Expo and React Native apps.
Clean MVVM – with React and React Hooks


MVVM en React Native – Aprende clean architecture y MVVM en React Native.
FreeCodeCamp NoSQL – FreeCodeCamp NoSQL tutorial
React Testing Course for Beginners – FreeCodeCamp React Testing Course for Beginners
Next.js React Framework Course – FreeCodeCamp Next.js React Framework Course
Principios SOLID en React.js – MiDu Principios SOLID en React.js
SOLID in React.js – SOLID principles – write clean code in React.js
REDUX TOOLKIT desde cero – Carlos Azaustre: Aprende REDUX TOOLKIT desde cero, para gestionar el estado global en REACT
TypeScript/React Testing – Jack Herrington: Components, Hooks, Custom Hooks, Redux and Zustand
FreeCodeCamp Prompt Engineering – FreeCodeCamp Prompt Engineering
Patrones de Diseño – HolaMundo – Patrones de diseño
Tutorial Next.js 14 paso a paso – Midu- Tutorial Next.js 14 paso a paso, para Principiantes
MERN Stack con MySQL – React MySQL CRUD (Context API, TailwindCSS)
Next.js Tutorial – 69 – Sign In and Sign Out
Next JS – Sign Up / Sign In – Add the Sign Out (logout) functionality
Next.js: Authentication – Best Practices for Server Components, Actions, Middleware
NEXT.JS 14 MERN STACK APP MongoDB – Movie Download Website with Admin Dashboard 2024
Error Handling in Server Actions Next.js – Incl. Toasts!
Next.js Server Actions – Change Everything About React
Time Estimation – By Timothy Cain, Fallout Designer


Soccer Events – Terminologia de Eventos en un partido de futbol
How to start a one-person business – (starting with 0$)
9 Passive Income Ideas – How I make $7500/Week
El ABC Para Crear Negocios Exitosos – Masterclass GRATUITA

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